Welcome! I’m Debbie Gisonni, Founder and Creator of Self Power Now! – a media collection, course and podcast that empower you to rise above the daily challenges of life and work, and live your life with ease, happiness and success.
Chances are, you landed here because you’re ready to make a positive change in your life. Or perhaps, you already have a charmed life. Then you can teach me a few things! We truly never stop learning in this crazy journey called “life on earth”.
The biggest lessons seem to come from the worst challenges. Sometimes it’s a wild rollercoaster of highs and lows, and other times it’s a slow float down a calm river. I’ve learned how to course-correct and get back to that happy place where love and success are always waiting for me. Self Power. I have it. YOU have it. The question is: Are you ready to use it? Let’s get started!