The Mental Realm – Reprogramming the mind for a joyful life.
6-Week Course

You can spend a lifetime chasing happiness, and never find it because you can’t chase something you already have. Happiness is your birthright. It’s with you always, waiting to be chosen by your thoughts, words, actions and feelings. In BE HAPPY NOW!, you’ll discover thought patterns that are blocking happiness in your life. You’ll learn ways to readjust your thinking so that you can stay positive in any situation, live your life with passion, laugh and play every day, and be grateful for all that life has to offer you.

BE HAPPY NOW!, is an online, on-demand course delivered weekly, combining both written and audio formats. There are NO Zoom calls, webinars or calendar invites! You participate when and where you want. The Course includes the I AM HAPPY guided meditation, encoded with binaural beats to reduce stress and promote deep relaxation and positive change. Don’t wait to be happy…